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Your Digital Strategy Needs to be Aligned with your Brand

Finding an aligned Marketing Strategy for your brand goes beyond the lip-service, and actually requires a deep dive into our relationship with God, Purpose, Business - and then our brand! Truth is, the majority of strategies out there work beautifully. That’s why you have so many strategists, coaches, consultants, etc in different fields and their clients are happy and seeing results. The challenge comes, however, when a strategy and a brand are misaligned. When that is the case, things don’t work as expected, and naturally, that leads to disappointment, anger, and the works.

Now, the fact is, though, that strategy development is heavily based on research, experimentation, execution and analysis. Things and processes that, quite frankly, people love to try and skip.

But, if you're willing to do the work, I promise you, that's where your success, consistency and peace will flow from.

But... where do you start? WITH PRAYER.

Yup, it's about asking God about HIS vision for your brand. Then, that guidance can point you in the direction you should go as it relates to the entire strategy-development process.

Anyone can start a business or share creative content, but the harder part is growing your community and business as well as consistently managing the platforms that you are working on and maintaining the relationships that you have garnered - all while staying true to your purpose and representing God with excellence.

I've got lots coming your way to encourage you on your purpose-filled journey as a multi-passionate, Christian business owner and I can't wait for you to see the transformation your brand desires!


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