We see people show up on social media every day! Some are serving content that’s fire! And then there are others that feel consumed by it. Which one are you?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Truth is, when it comes to showing up online, many people have different experiences. There are those that feel like posting on social media is such a chore and others to whom it seems second nature. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Here’s how to go from chore to second nature:
Stick to what you know
Don’t be dazzled by what others are doing and what they’re posting about. You don’t have to be like them. You don’t have to talk about the same things they do or have graphics as they do. Give thought to making your page stand out because the only thing you need to adopt is their enthusiasm. Think about how you can make your page different from all the other pages in your category. Talk about/post about things that fall along the lines of your expertise. You can also display your services, say why they are important, and ensure that you are bringing value to your audience. This way you are always confident about what you are saying, writing, or showcasing and you’ll do it with absolute ease.
Plan and schedule
Having known what your page is supposed to reflect, have a brainstorming session with yourself to pencil out possible topics you can speak about and/or issues you can address. Create the content along with their captions and schedule them. This can also help with your page aesthetic. You can use various websites and apps (eg. Planoly) to help you see what your page will look like with the images or videos you’re about to post. Planning and scheduling will also prevent a scramble for content and it stabilizes your post frequency. This naturally makes you consistent and your followers will eventually expect and even look out for your content. It will also make room for you to focus on being present on your stories and of course allow you to focus on your other important daily tasks.
Don’t overthink it
The final thing that will take social media from being a chore to being second nature is for you to let go and just be yourself. The FUN-damental things you need to know you’ve already read above so let’s focus on the FUN! Your followers, clients, potential clients, and fans all want to see and get to know you. Humanize your brand by letting them in on your day, how you’re doing, let them see your family and your pet dog, etc. You can also use your stories to showcase the daily operation of your biz and how you work your magic to help your clients. This will establish authority and allow your clients to be confident in their decision to purchase from you and that’s what we want. Also! It’s social media, have some fun!
Bonus Tip
If the back-end of your biz isn’t completely ironed out it will affect how you show up online. You need to be fully confident in your services before you can show up with authority and that’s exactly what my Elevator Pack does for you. It provides an audit of your business and gives you a 90-day plan packed with solutions for you to be elevated above your challenges and begin to communicate effectively how valuable and beneficial your services are. All without the long term commitment of coaching!
Go ahead and book your session with me today: https://www.aibmbycee.com/elevator-pack